Priyash Agrawal - краткая биография.

Priyash Agrawal из города Mumbai, Индия. Priyash родился 19 Октября 1989 года в городе Indore, на данный момент 34 года. По гороскопу - Весы. Семейное положение - в активном поиске. Язык, которым владеет: English. Вуз: Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science. Место работы Purple Focus, в должности Brand Executive. Последний раз появлялся на публике 20 Января 2024 11:59. Последняя цитата - Feels nice to be here, so wana get to know Europe so much more. Любит слушать Pink Floyd Linkin Park David Geutta Coldplay Akcent Adele Avril Lavagne Eminem Akon Justin Timberlake Enigma . Читает Tiintin Astreix Shantaram Siddhartha Julius Ceaser Paulo Cohelo Khaled Hosseini Khushwant Singh Sherlok Holmes. (На основе открытых данных соц-сети Вконтакте

Фотография Priyash Agrawal
Priyash Agrawal
34 года, Mumbai, Индия,
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Интересы и увлечения
  • Интересы: Outdoor sports like Tennis, Football, etc Adventure Sports Beach Hangout Clubbing Night life Philosophy books Cultural Exchanges Trekking Detective Novels Buddhism Being Happy
  • Деятельность: Advertising, Retail Store, Ecommerce, Tennis, Footballl, AIESEC
  • Любимое кино: Godfather Bourne Series Ocean series Hangover American Pie series Notebook Girl Next Door Rock N Rolla
  • Любимые игры: Counter Strike Poker Age of Empires GTA X games Monster Trucks
  • Любимые ТВ-шоу: How I met Your Mother
  • Любимая музыка: Pink Floyd Linkin Park David Geutta Coldplay Akcent Adele Avril Lavagne Eminem Akon Justin Timberlake Enigma
  • Любимые книги: Tiintin Astreix Shantaram Siddhartha Julius Ceaser Paulo Cohelo Khaled Hosseini Khushwant Singh Sherlok Holmes.
  • Главное в людях: скрыто или не указано
  • Любимые цитаты: What goes around comes around Money cant buy u love but it can certainly imrove ur chances Watevr u r is a result of ur thought Elegance is life You cannot make me angry unless i accept your humiliation your insult Light can be found even in the darkest corner if one remembers to turn on the switch When you find your roots, when you actually understand who you are, everything becomes real easy The only lines that matter are ones you make
  • Отношение к алкоголю: скрыто или не указано
  • Отношение к курению: скрыто или не указано
Образование и карьера
  • Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science
  • Purple Focus Brand Executive

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  • О себе: Whatsoever I am saying can be practised, and i dont say to you 'Believe It', I say, 'Experiment with it, experience it, and only then if you feel it yourself, trust it.' otherwise there is no need to believe. Independence..I want open-mindness and freedom for Girls..let them see outside world true world..explore themselves..Live. One should never forget their roots, I was born in neemuch fire, air, water, earth. many feel I am rebellion, meticulous, selfish, ambitious, I feel I am empty I talk politely to people I dislike cause they teach me a lot about myself, I follow peace, I compromise, I speak, act, stay silent and listen, I love knowledge, philosofy, futball, tennis, books, music, adventure, I am very unstable but very patient. I share my experiences, I follow suchness. I question everything in life, I may come across as a loner. I like to say 'I', but it doesn't represent me truly. I am the words I write and the things I don't mean to let you know. I am very observant. I am persistant and persuasive, I am loud and clearly state my opinions. I am self-judgmental I experiment (alot) I am a wanderer who knows, and has the hunger to know and experience everything With me der s always a risk, bad luck, danger, freakiness but loadsa fun, philosofy happyness and sofistication. I am like dis.... Its ur courage to ride along or stay where ur and watch cause Its worth d experience, I am true to my words. I respect only dose who know demselves, God always keeps a watch, Love death power and time.
  • День рождения: 19 Октября 1989
  • По гороскопу: Весы
  • Проживает: Mumbai Индия
  • Отчество: не указано
  • Последний визит: 20 Января 2024 11:59
  • Пол: мужской
  • Семейное положение: в активном поиске.
  • Сайт: скрыт или не указан
  • Телефон: Скрыт или не указан
  • Религиозные взгляды: скрыты или не указаны
  • Политические взгляды: скрыты или не указаны
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