Fi Gs - краткая биография.

Fi Gs из города Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Fi родился 24 Апреля 1904 года в городе St Petersburg, на данный момент 120 лет. По гороскопу - Телец. Семейное положение - не указано. Язык, которым владеет: English, Русский, Français. Место работы FIGS, в должности Creators. Последний раз появлялся на публике 17 Августа 2018 17:46. Последняя цитата - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to FIGS !!!!. (На основе открытых данных соц-сети Вконтакте

Фотография Fi Gs
Fi Gs
120 лет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия,
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Интересы и увлечения
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  • Деятельность: FIGS FIGS are a musical trio featuring: Katya Fyodorova - Rus (Iva Nova, Zga), Alexey Ivanov - Rus (SKA, Jason Webley, Nada Padumat) Marcus Godwyn - GB (The Noise of Time, Sainkho Hamchalak, The Barking Dogs). FIGS are one of the most original, powerful, energetic and musical bands in Russia today. They compose and play music based on their current and earlier influences that range from techno and hip-hop to rock, jazz, various types of world music, improvised music and classical. They also embrace the the concept of minimalism and discipline and this combination of styles means that FIGS performances take the audience through a wide range of emotions that leaves nobody indifferent. The fact that FIGS are a trio of drummers is largely coincidence although it certainly adds to their originality and makes for a visually spectacular show! The project was not conceived as a “percussion ensemble”. Their aim is not to make a drum demonstration but to make music! They are simply musicians who have known each other a long time (56 years in total), want to play together and find inspiration in doing so. Many of their most popular pieces were born out of improvisation in the rehearsal room and then built into compositions. With FIGS Katya plays primarily home made amplified objects as well as orchestral style percussion. Alexey plays a semi acoustic, semi electric drum kit making very creative use of Roland electronic percussion which gives FIGS access to chromatic melody and harmony! It falls to Marcus to fulfill the more traditional role of the drummer while also singing, rapping and providing texts for the band! FIGS first came to life in 2004 as a duo on the impulse of Alexey Ivanov. It soon grew to a quartet also featuring the talents of Nik Sudnik, the “Grandaddy” of Soviet underground industrial music. They recorded their debut album(Neva Wave) at Dobro Lot Studios for Dom Records, Moscow in 2006. New born family members and other commitments forced a two year pause in the band's activities but for the last three years FIGS have been playing regularly in their most successful and comfortable format; that of a trio. They have played extensively in Moscow and Petersburg including many international festivals and also in Volgograd, Ryazan and Smolensk and are preparing material for their second album.
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  • Любимая музыка: скрыта или не указана
  • Любимые книги: скрыты или не указаны.
  • Главное в людях: скрыто или не указано
  • Любимые цитаты: скрыты или не указаны
  • Отношение к алкоголю: нейтральное
  • Отношение к курению: резко негативное
Образование и карьера
  • FIGS Creators

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  • О себе: скрыта или не указана
  • День рождения: 24 Апреля 1904
  • По гороскопу: Телец
  • Проживает: Санкт-Петербург Россия
  • Отчество: не указано
  • Последний визит: 17 Августа 2018 17:46
  • Пол: мужской
  • Семейное положение: не указано.
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В социальных сетях:
Группы и подписки
Кто подписчик Fi Gs (331)