Александр-Вирус Вурдалак - краткая биография.

Александр-Вирус Вурдалак из города Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Александр-Вирус родился 23 Февраля 1990 года в городе Санкт-Петербург, на данный момент 34 года. По гороскопу - Рыбы. Семейное положение - не женат. Последний раз появлялся на публике 15 Октября 2015 06:22. (На основе открытых данных соц-сети Вконтакте vk.com/id290035221)

Фотография Александра-Вируса Вурдалака
Александр-Вирус Вурдалак
34 года, Санкт-Петербург, Россия,
Найди себя

Узнай сколько людей с фамилией Вурдалак и кто самый популярный в городе Санкт-Петербург.

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  • О себе: скрыта или не указана
  • День рождения: 23 Февраля 1990
  • По гороскопу: Рыбы
  • Проживает: Санкт-Петербург Россия
  • Отчество: не указано
  • Последний визит: 15 Октября 2015 06:22
  • Пол: мужской
  • Семейное положение: не женат.
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  • Оркестр Неоклассика | Neoclassica Неоклассика – одно из самых значимых частных явлений в культурном пространстве России. По итогам 2022 года компания уверенно входит в топ-3 коммерческих организаторов культурных событий РФ. Компания представляет собой продюсерский центр концертных программ на основе аранжировок для классических академических и современных инструментов. В состав агентства «Неоклассика» входит несколько оркестров, а также профессиональная команда менеджмента и маркетинга численностью более 50 человек. Обладая широким спектром навыков и техник, команда агентства реализует полный цикл музыкального производства, включая создание аранжировок, звукозаписи и видеопродакшн. До 2020 года компания была известна как пионер жанра современной классической музыки, создавший и культивировавший понятие Неоклассика. На протяжении 10 лет агентство занималось просветительской и промоутерской деятельностью, а также организацией гастролей известных композиторов, в том числе: Ludovico Einaudi, Olafur Arnalds, Fabrizio Paterlini, Paul Romero, Abel Korzeniowski, Wim Mertens и многих других. За 2022 год агентством «Неоклассика» было организовано свыше 900 концертов в 60 городах России. Партнерами агентства являются крупнейшие концертные залы РФ и знаменитые композиторы современности. На данный момент стратегия Неоклассики сосредоточена на предоставлении высококлассного и разнообразного культурного отдыха по всей территории РФ, а также экспансии на новые мировые рынки дружественных стран с целью культурного обмена и дальнейшего развития культурных связей.. Афиша концертов современной классической музыки: https://neoclassica.ru База композиторов: https://neoclassica.ru/db/ Оркестр: https://neoclassica.ru/orcneo/
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  • Вечерний Ургант
  • Новости RT на русском RT — это круглосуточный информационный телеканал, вещающий из России по всему миру на английском, арабском, испанском и французском языках. Теперь новости RT доступны и на русском. Присоединяйтесь! Правила сообщества «RT на русском» (RT Russian) Запрещается: 1. использование ненормативной лексики; 2. оскорбление других пользователей; 3. разжигание межнациональной розни; 4. публикация материалов порнографического характера; 5. публикация ссылок на сторонние ресурсы вне рамок дискуссии; 6. распространение рекламы, спама; 7. публикация материалов, призывающих к религиозной вражде. В случае нарушений правил сообщества, мы будем вынуждены удалять Ваши комментарии. С уважением, администрация RT.
  • Группа UMA2RMAN / U2N Uma2rman – группа, которую знает и любит вся страна: песни «Прасковья» и «Проститься», «Ночной дозор» и «Ума Турман», «В городе лето» и «Ты далеко» давно стали народными, а их создатели, братья Кристовские, – считаются основоположниками жанра, в котором рок-музыка гармонично переплетается с бардовской песней. История коллектива началась в 2003 году. Прежде выступавшие в разных музыкальных коллективах Нижнего Новгорода, Сергей и Владимир Кристовские объединились, чтобы вместе покорить столицу. Дебютный альбом получил название «В городе N» – и моментально возглавил топы всех российских чартов. А всего через год после премьеры, в 2005-м, коллектив выступил на сцене «Олимпийского». Сегодня, полтора десятка лет спустя, на счету Uma2rman – 7 студийных альбомов, саундтреки к популярным российским фильмам и сериалам, множество престижных музыкальных наград. Группа даёт сотни концертов и собирает большие столичные площадки, участвует в фестивалях и телепрограммах, а главное – продолжает завоёвывать сердца новых и новых слушателей.
  • Nari & Milani Maurizio Nari & Ronnie Milani met in 1996. Staring off their career playing at Italy’s top clubs such as Hollywood in Milan, Prince in Riccione, and Vogue in Rome, they began creating productions such as “Gnor”,”Gnuk”, and ‘Sunshine & Happiness’ featuring Darryl Pandy under aliases including Nerio’s Dubwork and Unconditional, achieving the Billboard Charts hotspot and finally... launching the Nari & Milani project back in 2003. After conquering Italy, Nari & Milani went international and began touring di- splaying their trademark DJ sets in some of the world’s best clubs such as We Are Family in Moscow, Quantum in Dubai, and Club Maktum in Korea. Over the last decade the duo have remixed dance tracks for luminaries such as Rogez Sanches, Laidback Luke, and Axwell in addition to unleashing their own original productions through some of the best record labels in the industry including Bob Sinclar’s Yellow Prod, Robbie Rivera’s Juicy Music and Steve Angello’s Size Records. Nari & Milani’s ‘Kendo’ is one of the biggest club bombs ever and gained early support from Swedish House Mafia, Pete Tong, David Guetta, Steve Aoki, Chuckie, Hardwell, Tiesto, Sandern Van Doorn, Alesso, Bob Sinclar, Fatboy Slim, Eddie Halliwell, Laidback Luke, and numerous others. But the boys didn’t stop there, in March 2012 Nari & Milani followed up their debut track on Size Records with sophomore track “Atom”, almost instantly gaining support from Tiesto, Steve Angello, Thomas Gold, Sebastian Ingrosso, Axwell, which really displays how versatile these hit-makers are. Their ‘Atom’ single released on Size won the award for the ‘Best Dance Production of 2012′ by Dancing Astronaut and "Best track Miami music week 2012 "by MTV America. Huge performances across continents are for Nari&Milani: Ultra Miami, Ultra Europe, Magnetic Festival, Tomorrowland, street parade, Electric love. In 2013 Nari&Milani announced broadcast of radioshow "i'll house u" on SiriusXM and Also Saw a new collaboration between R3hab and Mynch. The track "Vago" with Maurizio Gubellini received massive support, reaching top10 Beatport, and was included also in the Tomorrowland's compilation. Joining forces with the almighty Tiesto and italian band Delayers, Nari&Milani realize "Move to the rhythm"on Musical Freedom. With the expected follow up of “Atom", called "Patriots", Nari&Milani have established once again that they are still creating music that is in a class all unto itself.
  • Comedy Radio Comedy Radio – первое юмористическое разговорное радио России. Whatsapp: 8 (917) 505-10-01 Telegram: 8 (917) 505-10-01 Телефон прямого эфира: 8 800 7000 700 Каждый час в эфире миниатюры из Comedy Club монологи участников проекта Stand Up и Женский Stand Up, а также самая модная музыка со всего мира. Каждый будний день в прямом эфире: 7:00-10:00 #ГутенМоргенФриман 11:00-15:00 #СчастливыеЛюди 17:00- 20:00 #КазиботаШоу По выходным: 13:00-17:00 #2сПоловинойЧеловека Слушай нас в своем мобильном: App Store: https://vk.cc/8hRPHF Google play: https://vk.cc/8hRPsD" Города вещания https://vk.cc/8LGgmT Comedy Radio - Мы делаем людей счастливее с 2012 года.
  • Enrique Iglesias Since 1997, Enrique Iglesias has been a one-man ambassador of global culture. His fusion of pop, R&B, Latin and rock rhythms has helped catapult him beyond the limitations of genres, geography and language: making him one of the decades’ biggest stars with worldwide sales of over 40 million copies, 9 platinum or multi-platinum CDs, 19 #1 Billboard Latin hits, more than any other artist in the chart’s history, and over a half dozen top 10 singles on the Billboard Top 100.
  • Европейский Футбол
  • New World Punx New World Punx (NWP), the high-energy DJ duo consisting of Markus Schulz and Ferry Corsten. The name derives from Markus Schulz’s hit, “The New World”, and Ferry Corsten’s massive anthem, “Punk”.
  • JOY Верифицированное сообщество австрийской группы "JOY", прославившейся в 1985м году хитом "Touch by touch". Все самые свежие новости и раритетные архивные "старости" - здесь!
  • РУССКОЕ ОБОZРЕНИЕ || РОССИЯ || ПУТИН #ЯнаСвоейЗемле #ДаПобеде
  • Hardwell My “The Story Of Hardwell (Best Of)” album is OUT NOW ➡️ http://revr.ec/TSOH-ALBUM ____________________________________________ Music maturity came swiftly for the now seasoned-veteran Robbert van de Corput, better known as Hardwell. At the age of 25, the young Dutch titan capped off a 10 year journey when he was crowned World’s No.1 DJ in the 2013 DJ Mag Top 100 DJs Poll cementing his position as the electronic scenes newest superstar DJ and becoming the youngest ever winner of the coveted Top 100 DJs award. In 2014 the Dutch megastar did it again - being crowned World’s #1 DJ in the 2014 edition of DJ Mag’s Top 100 DJs Poll for a second consecutive year. Having already created a legacy that would put most of his counterparts to shame this award-winning DJ, producer, musician, label owner and lover of all things music has not only helped shape the current state of EDM, but has left an everlasting imprint on it.
  • Dyro Dyro’s journey to the upper ranks of the electronic music scenes marks him out amongst his peers as one of the most talented artists to have emerged from the new generation of Dutch house artists currently taking over the industry. Recently crowned #27 in the DJ Mag Top 100 Poll 2014, the last twelve months has seen this enigmatic young DJ come of age as he continues to take the world by storm! Known for driving bass lines, enchanting melodies and highly charged drops, he has seamlessly made the transition from bedroom musician to renowned international DJ/Producer. Dyro has surpassed all expectations, previously tipped by the likes of World #1 DJ Hardwell, Laidback Luke, and Dada Life as their ‘Breakthrough Artist of 2012’ and claiming the highest new entry slot in the 2013 Top 100 poll at #30. His career has been on a constant upward trajectory since dropping his seminal first releases “Daftastic’ dropped on Hardwell’s Revealed recording’s in 2011. Looking back over the past 12 months, Dyro’s tour schedule is a dot-to-dot of some of the world’s biggest and best festivals and clubs. From headline appearances at clubs such as LIV in Miami, Ministry of Sound in London to his residency at The Light in Las Vegas and Space in Ibiza, he has also earned mainstage slots at star-studded festivals that include Dance Valley, New York’s Electric Zoo, TomorrowWorld, Spring Awakening Music Festival in Chicago, Wish Outdoor in the Netherlands, Digital Dreams in Toronto, Creamfields in the UK and EDC Las Vegas for a infamous three-way back to back session with Hardwell and Dannic. Dyro’s taken his music around the world promoting his unique electro influenced, progressive tinged big-room sound. His fan base in the North America continues to multiply in tandem with his ever presence on the biggest festival line-ups over the past 12 months. Blowing away fans throughout the year, Dyro kicked off 2014 with an epic solo tour to support the release of his track ‘Black Smoke.’ Not one to rest or take a break, Dyro was immediately back crunching the miles as he joined the epic Future Music Festival tour across Australia, proving his popularity in both hemispheres ahead of returning to the US for a career defining Ultra performance. It was at Miami’s Ultra Music Festival that, after a rainstorm of biblical proportions, Dannic and Hardwell joined Dyro on stage for an impromptu three-way B2B2B set that captured the raw energy that made the subsequent Revealed Recordings North American Bus Tour, undertaken by these three artists, such a hit with fans. Coupled with sensational performances at Hardwell’s own “Hardwell Presents Revealed” party at Mansion and his own party ‘Radical’, which he hosted alongside Dannic, the name being taken from their co-production ‘Radical’ that dropped in early June. Managing to fit in an epic B2B session with Dannic for the Mixmag Mix lab series, he has staked a claim in the US this year which is unrivalled by many of his contemporaries. Having just kicked off his colossal co-tour 30 date ‘X-Tour’ with Bassjackers this month, his touring schedule isn’t going to relent any time soon. Having set himself apart with early releases such as ‘Top Of The World’, his collaboration with Bassjackers, ‘Grid,’ ‘Leprechauns & Unicorns’ and the massive ‘Never Say Goodbye,’ co-produced with Hardwell, all of which dominated the Beatport charts and earned him a sizzling reputation as a studio producer on the ascent to greatness. This years releases have been equally well received. ‘Calling Out,’ his epic vocal track featuring Ryder, that exploded into the Beatport Top 10 and could be heard ringing out in main stage DJ sets all year, ‘Sounds Like,’ a high octane dance floor destroyer and his eagerly anticipated co-production with Dannic, ‘Radical’ all became firm fan favourites, catapulting his popularity to the next level. Always looking forward, this summer saw the launch of his own record label ‘Wolv,’ created as a p
  • Dannic Dannic, the highly prodigious DJ and producer from Breda in the Netherlands – the hometown of Tiësto and Hardwell - is one of the hottest acts to have emerged from the new generation of Dutch artists breaking through in recent years. His phenomenal rise of 44 places to take the #30 spot in the 2014 DJ Mag Top 100 DJs Poll, followed by a further jump of four more places to take the #26 spot in the 2015 DJ Mag Top 100 DJs Poll confirms to tastemakers that he is set to remain a driving force within the scene. Debuting in the 2013 edition of the Top 100 DJs Poll at #74, forcing his way to the forefront of the booming electronic scene, Dannic has managed to cast off previous associations and step forward as a respected artist in his own right, repeatedly blowing away fans with a slew of sensational releases, collaborations and of course, titanic DJ shows. This talented selector drew the attention of the spotlight early in his career thanks to a series of amazing mash-ups. He has since gone on to demonstrate a natural understanding of audio arrangement and structure, alongside possessing an impressive prowess as a peak-time performer, whose technical ability leaves club and festival audiences wowed each and every week. With his music remaining a staple in the sets of Tiësto, Avicii, Hardwell, Feddie Le Grand and Bingo Players, Dannic’s positions amongst his peers continues to soar. Daan Romers (in real life) won the Dancetour DJ contest in 2009 and a slot playing his productions to an audience of 10,000 people. Having started out as a DJ 10 years ago Dannic earned his stripes the old fashioned way, playing bars and small clubs, honing his craft. As Dannic says “It's funny because a lot of people know me as a producer but I like to see myself as a DJ who started producing”. It was only when he wanted to set himself apart from other DJs that he began experimenting with production and creating mash-ups to add something special and unique to his sets. By 2010 this level of dedication paid off. Dannic’s first solo track on Revealed Recordings was called ‘Doster’ and received heavy supported from Hardwell and Nicky Romero. He then went on to release multiple records before catching the attention of the major labels. An early, but career path defining release, saw him go into the studio with close compatriot Hardwell to create ‘Kontiki’, a tune with went on to become a hallmark of many of that summers festival sets. Recently Dannic has left his imprint on projects for famed artists that include Chuckie, Example, Arty, Nadia Ali, Ciara and Sean Paul. Dannic has built his reputation to a point where his distinctive remix work is highly sought after by artists’ both in the underground and mainstream music scene. At the beginning of 2013 his track, ‘Clobber’, was released on the globally renowned imprint, Toolroom records. A fixture in many DJs sets during WMC, Dannic had delivered a hit that rivalled his previous peak time tracks ‘Flare’ and ‘Tombo’ both released on Revealed Recordings. Doused with Dannic’s distinctive style, ‘Clobber’ is a cool, dirty roller with a heavy groove that has illuminated the playlists of artists such as Swedish House Mafia. Danny Howard of BBC Radio 1 when discussing his music said “(I am a) Big big fan, been supporting his music since day one”, a sentiment which is shared by many.. Having been given his first big break by Hardwell’s Revealed Recordings imprint, Dannic has now, three years later, become an integral member of the Revealed family and seen his association with the label grow into a regular feature at Revealed’s global events and tours. From performances with the label at Amsterdam Dance Event to his fixture on the 12 date sell-out Revealed Recordings Canadian Bus Tour, that took place at the turn of the year and saw Dannic perform alongside label mates Hardwell and Dyro, as they took in the biggest clubs Canada’s club scene has to offer. Dannic’s profile has
  • Gareth Emery Brit in LA • Record Producer • DJ • Laserface • Garuda Music
  • K Young K-Young is a veteran singer / songwriter out of Inglewood, California. Since his beginnings with R&B group 3rd Storee as a preteen, he's gone on to write for the likes of B2K, Cassie, Young Berg, Diddy, Ray J, Chris Brown, Brandy, Yolanda Adams, Ginuwine, Lloyd, The Game and many more. K Young is the next hot singer/songwriter for the 21st century.
  • Борис Гребенщиков
  • Effective Records Effective Records - единственный Грэмми-лейбл СНГ. Мы работаем с Imanbek, Big Baby Tape, Kizaru, Aarne, SALUKI, Элджей, MORGENSHTERN, VERBEE, Ramil’, Асия, Loc-Dog, XARISTA, Куок, Rompasso, PUSSYKILLER, КРИСПИ, Экси, nkeeei, uniqe, Artem Shilovets, David Guetta, Marshmello, LP, Swanky Tunes, Usher, Антон Токарев, Wiz Khalifa, Sean Paul, Alan Walker и многими другими. Приём демо-записей осуществляется только по почте: demo@effective-records.com http://www.effective-records.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/effectiverecs YouTube: https://youtube.com/@EffectiveRecords TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@effectiverecords
  • РОССИЯ! Новости / Армия / Донбасс СВО По рекламе : [id75564361|@artlantik_nov]
  • Это Россия, детка "Это Россия, детка" - социальный проект, нацеленный на ту часть нашего населения, которая знает Россию только сегодня, но не знает, каково было жить еще каких-то 20-25 лет назад. Эти люди не получали зарплату продукцией завода, на котором трудились, не покупали продукты по талонам, не стояли в очередях. Нам есть что им рассказать. Такой, какая Россия есть сегодня, она была не всегда. Безусловно, нашей стране есть куда стремиться. Но важно помнить, что Россия, в первую очередь, это мы с вами! У паблика есть определенные правила, соблюдая которые, не возникнет недоразумений и конфликтов. Но нарушая которые, администрация паблика непременно применит меры. - Мат в комментариях категорически запрещён! - Запрещается оскорблять участников сообщества. - Запрещается постить в комментариях контент, нарушающий законодательство РФ. - Запрещается размещать ссылки на сторонние проекты. - Запрещается постить флуд и спам. За любое нарушение этих правил мы блокируем. В сообществе включены спам-фильтры фильтры нецензурных выражений - ваш комментарий может быть удален автоматически. Если вам есть что нам сказать - пишите. Любой из вас может предложить новость. Достойные ленты появятся в ней. С любовью, ЭРД:)
  • РОССИЯ | Армия / Донбасс / ДНР / ЛНР По рекламе : [id75564361|@artlantik_nov]
  • News Front | Новости Добро пожаловать в официальное сообщество информационного агентства news-front.su News Front — это народное информационное агентство, которое создаётся руками волонтёров, желающих показать и рассказать вам правду из первых рук. • У нас 68-миллионная аудитория • Качественный видеоконтент и новости • Мы вещаем на 10 языках
  • WARS 🅉 TOP | Новости | Россия - Донбасс - СВО По рекламе : [id75564361|@artlantik_nov]
  • Andy Moor Grammy-award nominated electronic dance music DJ and producer Andy Moor has established a distinct, edgy and creative sound that is completely his own. Highly ranked in the DJ Mag Top 100 for the past 6 years, he was nominated for the DJ Awards in 2009, won ‘Best Dance Record’ at the International Dance Music Awards in 2006, and ‘Best Trance Producer’ and ‘Best Trance Track’ in 2004. A highlight of Andy’s illustrious career was his nomination in the “Best Remixed Recording” category at the 2008 Grammy Awards for his remix of Delerium’s ‘Angelicus’. For fifteen years, Moor has been at the forefront of a rapidly evolving music scene, pioneering new sounds and techniques and consistently releasing the finest in progressive and trance. Exploring his talent early in life, Andy Moor could already play his first piano piece flawlessly at the tender age of 5. By 11, he had accomplished 6 more musical instruments. Two years later he spun his first record and by 21 he was playing to crowds of thousands. Now owner of the highly respected AVA Recordings record label, host of the ‘Moor Music’ podcast and producer & remixer to the stars (past remixes and collaborations have included Tiësto, Above & Beyond, Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne, Paul Oakenfold and others), Andy Moor is set to release his much-anticipated debut album Zero Point One on July 6, 2012. Packed with 18 original tracks, Zero Point One features collaborations with Meredith Call, Carrie Skipper, Sue McLaren, Betsie Larkin, Ashley Wallbridge, Orkidea and other well-known vocalists and producers. Years in the making, Zero Point One offers a glimpse into the creative process of a self-proclaimed perfectionist. “I had been writing the album for many years, but as I was nearing the end, I decided to scrap the older tracks and start over with new ones,” says Andy. “So this version of the album contains tracks made in the last six months, despite the entire process taking years." From deep, mysterious ambient to melodic trance and vocal melodies, across the spectrum to rocking break beats and the thick bass of progressive, Andy Moor has fused his beloved sound into a complete package of timeless productions. Zero Point One will be available on July 6, 2012 on Armada/AVA Recordings and will leave fans craving even “Moor” music from one of the most influential figures in today's electronic music industry.
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  • Дмитрий Хворостовский (Dmitri Hvorostovsky) Добро пожаловать на официальную страницу Дмитрия Хворостовского в VK!
  • Jasmin Vetter of Arabesque and the CityCats Всё началось в 1977 году во Франкфурте-на-Майне. Это была пора, когда DISCO находилось на пике своей популярности, и так называемый “мюнхенский звук” завоевал весь мир. Такие группы, как “Бони М.”, “Чингисхан”, “Баккара” и подобные, возглавили чарты по всему свету. Новой девичьей группе было дано очень мелодичное название – “Арабески”, и тут же начался процесс записи песен. Первый же выпущенный ими сингл “Hello Mister Monkey” взлетел на вершины японских чартов – как национальных, так и интернациональных. В общей сложности, песня находилась в чартах 38 недель, несколько из которых – на 1-м месте. Они обошли даже Пола Маккартни и в то время считались одного уровня с “АББА”. Об этом говорит тот факт, что в Японии был даже выпущен коллекционный сборник, содержащий все альбомы “АББА” и “Арабесок”. Успех группы был не только в Японии: три молодые девушки стали известны также и на территории других азиатских стран, а также в России, Египте, Латинской и Южной Америке и, конечно же, в Европе. “Арабески” несколько раз были награждены Golden-Record-Awards, а также и другими важными премиями, такими, например, как “Золотая Европа”. Только в одной Японии они продали свыше 14 млн. записей, и год за годом сотни тысяч их СД всё ещё продолжают раскупаться. В 2017-м году отмечается 40-летний юбилей этой группы. Мы эксклюзивно представляем «Арабески» с Ясмин Феттер с уникальным репертуаром песен, часть из которых никогда не исполнялась за последние 30 лет!
  • Коротко о главном Политика, экономика, общество. Только главное. Коротко, без лишних эмоций и "воды".
  • Showtek A tribe called Showtek Imagine being part of something that is big and getting bigger. You can literally sense its growth not by rumors or by chance, but by being part of a movement. A movement that meets and likes to party hard at the weekend and then go back to work Monday morning, feeling fulfilled. Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you Showtek! Over the past two years Showtek have become more than an act; it's a movement, a tribe formed by the producer duo and its fans that is united in its love for music, excitement, artistic freedom and adventure. More than anything else, the tribe is the source of motivation and energy for Showtek and it is their mission to nurture it and help it grow. The music always come first, no amount of success or fame will change that. We live in exciting times. The dance music revolution is happening right here and Showtek are committed to leading the charge with a sound that is always pushing forward—always riding on the cutting edge. Front row seats on the craziest ride in the scene. Wouter and Sjoerd Janssen, aka Showtek, two brothers from Eindhoven have been making music for over a decade. Two rebels kicking against the shins of establishment, speaking a language the party crowd could believe in. It was in 2012 when they truly exploded onto the global dance scene with the release of ‘Cannonball’. Childhood dreams became reality. Countless new fans joined. New productions got recognized and reached all corners of the planet, following the release of ‘Booyah’; a track that has Showtek written all over it, that it screamed it so loud that everyone sat up and listened, resulting in a top #5 spot in the UK singles chart and their first worldwide major hit! Momentum gaining, hundreds of thousand of fans worldwide have their eyes fixed on anything that is yet to come. Get ready to join the tribe: Here is Showtek! Wouter is the wiz kid perfectionist where ‘good is just never good enough’ and his will to succeed is paramount as he’s always looking for that ‘eureka’ moment. Pair that with his endless love for music, his extensive memory and lust for sports and you have one half of Showtek. Sjoerd, Wouter’s younger brother and partner in crime is often pointed out as the quiet one, yet with his volcanic character he can transform himself from a mild mannered fashion conscious gentleman into a fearless, crowd controlling MC and entertainer. He’s not one to follow a crowd and is always looking to push Showtek to a place where they will definitely stand out visually and sonically.
  • Julian Calor Signing his debut release to Hardwell’s Revealed Recordings and having since found supporters in Tiesto, Nicky Romero, Don Diablo, Dada Life, Diplo, Martin Garrix to name but a few, the exceptional talents of Julian Calor seem to be flourishing well above his years. Yet not just a growing favourite amongst the dance music elite, Julian’s most has also begun infiltrating the download charts and radio airwaves. His new EP ‘Typhoon/Storm’, which first aired in Hardwell’s incendiary TomorrowWorld set and became one of the highlights of the 2 hour show, claimed the #1 spot in the Buzzchart in its opening week and later received playlist support by dance music don Pete Tong on his legendary BBC Radio 1 show, before breaking into the overall Beatport Top10 chart. More support from Radio 1 came in the shape of his remix of Major Lazer’s ‘Watch Out For This’ which received heavy rotation on the network. But fresh faced at only 20, the Dutch native already has 7 years experience making beats in the studio. Something which looks set to stand him in good stead in the years to come.. As a DJ his introduction to the stage was no less impressive with his debut slot being on the line-up at the 2013 edition of ADE for the Hardwell Presents Revealed @ Passenger Terminal, where Julian smashed out his deck wizardry in front of a capacity crowd. So looking forward and with a run of debut tour dates scheduled for spring 2014, a batch of sizzling bombs primed and ready for the dancefloor, this bona fide, card carrying member of the Revealed family looks set to cement the ever expanding belief that Julian Calor is one of the future stars of tomorrow.....watch this space
  • Кто подписчик Александра-Вируса Вурдалака (2)