The-Darkest Devil - краткая биография.

The-Darkest Devil. The-Darkest родился 27 Февраля 2004 года на данный момент 20 лет. По гороскопу - Рыбы. Семейное положение - не указано. Последний раз появлялся на публике 21 Июня 2018 11:04. (На основе открытых данных соц-сети Вконтакте

Фотография The-Darkest Devil
The-Darkest Devil
20 лет,
Найди себя

Узнай сколько людей с фамилией Devil и кто самый популярный в городе . .

Интересы и увлечения
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  • О себе: скрыта или не указана
  • День рождения: 27 Февраля 2004
  • По гороскопу: Рыбы
  • Проживает: скрыт или не указан скрыта или не указана
  • Отчество: не указано
  • Последний визит: 21 Июня 2018 11:04
  • Пол: мужской
  • Семейное положение: не указано.
  • Сайт: скрыт или не указан
  • Телефон: Скрыт или не указан
  • Религиозные взгляды: скрыты или не указаны
  • Политические взгляды: скрыты или не указаны
В социальных сетях:
Группы и подписки
  • XboxGamerK Offical (Offline) Dead group. You can leave it, nothing is going to appear here in the future.
  • Arts and Models from Limon
  • Bonzii's secret things
  • CSS/SD09 Group —THIS WEEK'S (last year's, actually) EVENT— This week we are having an art competition! Go to to learn how to participate! For more information on events, please see our Event Center at —RULES AND REGULATIONS— We have converted this group into a public community. If you wish to post, join the community and enter it into the suggested posts. If it follows our guidelines, than we will approve it. Please take a minute to read through the rules so the community can flourish. YOU MAY: • Post About Anything. There are no restrictions on what topics you can post about (as long as it follows the rules). This can include art, models, or just simple chat. • Create Discussions. Right beneath the information should be a "topics" section. If you have any trouble creating it, please see our help center. • Comment on Posts. Comments are now enabled so that you can receive personalized feedback. Your comments must follow all of the rules that apply to posts. • Have Fun! This is the most important rule. Follow it closely. YOU MAY NOT: • Curse. Profane language is prohibited, regardless of what language you curse in, and whether or not it is censored. This includes words that may potentially offend people, even if you don't consider it a bad word. You will be banned for 1 hour if you disobey this rule. • Insult/Instigate. Any comments or posts that could possibly instigate disputes among the community are against the rules. This is not determined by the people offended, but rather the opinion of the admins. You will be banned for 1 day if you disobey this rule. • Post 18+. A post containing adult content will be immediately removed (whether or not it's censored, and the user who submitted it will be permanently banned. No forgiveness, no second chances. • Advertise. If you wish to advertise for your community on this group, please consult the administration beforehand. You will not be banned for breaking this rule, unless you commit the disobedience it at least three times, in which you will be banned for 24 hours. • Ask for Models. While you are allowed to ask where you can find certain public models owned by the admins, you are not permitted to ask for private models or other models made by those who don't wish you to ask about. Violation of this rule will result in anywhere from one day to one week, depending on the severity. • Be bored. Everyone in this community has to be having fun at all times. Failure to do so will result in the exact same thing as success: nothing.
  • Dc2 Animation Community | Bonnie The Animator an Abandoned...
  • StolenDiamond Studios Here, I create video games with the help of you, the community. By participating in polls, you can help me shape the world of my games. Now be sure to join, and enjoy the ride! STATUS Map (In-Progress) Characters (In-Progress) Tileset (In-Progress) Jumpscares (Complete (unedited)) Gameplay (Complete) Concept/Genre (Complete) Links to any and all games I complete will appear below this text. FNaDC teaser: TERMS OF USE By participating in this community, you agree that: 1: You WILL NOT steal any of the content demonstrated in this (don't even get me started on what I'll do if you steal my stuff). 2: You will not spoil the gameplay/story to anyone who is unwilling. 3: You do not own any of the rights to the products discussed here, nor do I owe you any royalties. 4: You're soul belongs to me >;'`) 5: You will not use the suggested posts to insult me. 6: You will not be upset if the thing you voted for isn't chosen. 7: Have fun! Violation of any of these terms may result in your profile being permanently blacklisted. However, please disregard term 4. DO NOT disregard term 7. That is the MOST IMPORTANT term of them all!
  • ~Drawing and stuffs~ P.S: Sorry but not going to accept any post suggestions because i will just post my drawing here...
  • Кто подписчик The-Darkest Devil (12)