Игорь Хишкин - краткая биография.

Игорь Хишкин из города Краснодар, Россия. Игорь родился 15 Января в городе Краснодар. По гороскопу - Козерог. Семейное положение - не указано. Последний раз появлялся на публике on-line. Последняя цитата - Представитель австралийского певца Faydee. Фотомодель. Сотрудничество, реклама/Business: hishkin.igor@gmail.com. (На основе открытых данных соц-сети Вконтакте vk.com/id70718636)

Фотография Игоря Хишкина
Игорь Хишкин
Краснодар, Россия,
Найди себя

Узнай сколько людей с фамилией Хишкин и кто самый популярный в городе Краснодар.

Интересы и увлечения
  • Интересы: скрыты или не указаны
  • Деятельность: скрыта или не указана
  • Любимое кино: скрыты или не указаны
  • Любимые игры: скрыты или не указаны
  • Любимые ТВ-шоу: скрыты или не указаны
  • Любимая музыка: скрыта или не указана
  • Любимые книги: скрыты или не указаны.
  • Главное в людях: скрыто или не указано
  • Любимые цитаты: скрыты или не указаны
  • Отношение к алкоголю: скрыто или не указано
  • Отношение к курению: скрыто или не указано
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  • О себе: скрыта или не указана
  • День рождения: 15 Января
  • По гороскопу: Козерог
  • Проживает: Краснодар Россия
  • Отчество: не указано
  • Последний визит: on-line
  • Пол: мужской
  • Семейное положение: не указано.
  • Сайт: http://instagram.com/igor_hishkin https://www.tiktok.com/@igor_hishkin https://www.facebook.com/igorhishkin http://twitter.com/igor_hishkin t.me/hishkin
  • Телефон: Скрыт или не указан
  • Религиозные взгляды: скрыты или не указаны
  • Политические взгляды: скрыты или не указаны
В социальных сетях:
Группы и подписки
  • MirFactov - все самое интересное! MirFactov – сайт интересных фактов обо всём на свете.
  • Кинопоиск Что такое Кинопоиск? 🔥 У нас можно смотреть кино (и сериалы); 🔥🔥 У нас можно купить билеты в кино; 🔥🔥🔥 У нас можно читать про кино; 🔥🔥🔥🔥 У нас можно обсуждать кино; 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 У нас можно оценить кино https://t.me/kinopoisk Сначала у нас появляется слух о новом фильме или сериале, потом он превращается в новость, мы показываем вам постер, тизер, трейлер, вы нажимаете «буду смотреть», чтобы не пропустить фильм. Потом вы читаете нашу рецензию, покупаете у нас билеты, ставите фильму оценку, пишете отзыв, потом еще раз пересматриваете фильм, когда он появляется у нас онлайн. Фильм уходит в архив, а мы с вами ждем новый фильм или сериал.
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  • Типичный Краснодар Наши правила: vk.com/topic-33025155_28739563
  • Леонардо Дайвинчик Твой бот знакомств Дайвинчик. Мы не оповещаем в личных сообщениях о денежных выигрышах. Не реагируй на мошенников!
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  • Киномания - Лучшие фильмы В сообществе размещаются подборки лучших фильмов, обзоры сериалов, а так-же последние новости из киноиндустрии. Новинки кино, лучшие фильмы и сериалы
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  • Фотографы и Модели Краснодар| TFP ТФП| Коммерция ПРАВИЛА ПУБЛИКАЦИИ ПОСТОВ Фотографов и Моделей ► https://vk.com/topic-49866219_49046360 🟢#реноме@models_93🟢 - Фотографы с отзывами. 🛑Не вносите предоплаты за съемки. Будьте бдительны при расчётах за услуги и заключайте договора, даже при съемках ТФП TFP! Сообщество для фотографов и моделей от 18 лет! Меню: ► https://vk.com/page-49866219_51456181 Если нарушаете условия, рискуете попасть в ✘БАН✘ ____________________________________________ ▼Удобно для поиска▼ #models_93 Паблик #ямодель@models_93 Модель #яфотограф@models_93 Фотограф #снимаювидео@models_93 Видеограф #реквизит@models_93 Реквизит После публикации просим делать РЕПОСТ Вашей записи) СПИСОК НЕДОБРОСОВЕСТНЫХ КЛИЕНТОВ —> #ЧСклиент@models_93 СПИСОК НЕДОБРОСОВЕСТНЫХ ФОТОГРАФОВ —> #ЧСфотограф@models_93 . Локации: Краснодар Сочи Анапа Геленджик Новоросийск Коневская Славянск . "В_Кадре" - это сообщество прежде всего для быстрого и качественного поиска лучшего фотографа, креативного дизайнера, ответственного визажиста, и прекрасных моделей на любое запланированное мероприятие! Паблик полезен: Фотографам, моделям, Ню модели, визажистам. Предлагая пост, либо заполняя анкету, вы даете согласие на: Обнародование и дальнейшее использование своего изображения (в том числе фотографии, а также видеозаписи или произведения изобразительного искусства, в которых вы изображены, или изображены клиенты) – Речь о Ваших постах. Администрация в праве не учитывать личные желания и пожелания участников паблика. Администрация паблика может отказать в публикации поста, без объяснения причин. Администрация паблика не несет ответственность за информацию в предлагаемых авторами постах! В паблике можно познакомиться с фотографами и моделями девушками и женщинами разного типажа и фактуры. Это паблик для дружбы профессионалов и интересующихся тематикой съемок, кастингов. ВАЖНО! Это не паблик для свиданий, флирта, серьезных отношений, переписок, создания семьи, интересных встреч не присылайте анкеты для знакомства в предложку!!! Молодые или зрелые мозги должны это понять) За спам и оскорбления в комментариях сразу В ЧС без предупреждения! ЗАПРЕЩЕНЫ анонимные знакомства для секса/за деньги, интима на одну ночь ,свингеры, мжм, порно чат и т.д ЗАПРЕЩЕНО продавать/обмен интим фото и видео, предлагать девушкам вирт, секс, минет и прочее. ЗАПРЕЩЕНО искать любовниц, содержанок и т.д Пожалуйста не скидывайте в предложку оценить фото своих мам, жен, любовниц и т.д. Для этого существуют другие группы. НЮ модели, указывайте, пожалуйста, формат съемки который вам интересен: белье, обнаженная грудь, парная съемка, обнажение интимных мест Если вас что-то не устраивает, покиньте группу!
  • VK Музыка Трамплин Открытое сообщество проекта «Трамплин» от VK Музыки. Здесь мы создаём музыкальное комьюнити, делимся лайфхаками и полезными материалами для начинающих артистов, собираем советы и комментарии от экспертов индустрии и известных музыкантов. А ещё мы проводим творческий челлендж! Каждый месяц нам помогает новый звёздный куратор, который к концу сезона запишет фит с победителем челленджа или спродюсирует его трек. Куратор третьего сезона — Thomas Mraz! • FAQ для участников: vk.com/@tramplin-faq • Гайд для музыкантов: vk.com/@vkmusic-informaciya-dlya-muzykantov • Задать вопрос: vk.cc/musicsupport
  • КОТЭ
  • Maestro | Мужские костюмы | Краснодар Шоурум мужских классических и Casual костюмов в Краснодаре - использование только качественных материалов - лекало по фигуре - широкий ассортимент - постоянные акции и скидки - возможность приобрести товар в рассрочку
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  • NEFFEX Самое крупное сообщество, посвящённое NEFFEX. Участником группы является Брэндон Хорш, который оcновал коллектив в 2014 году вместе с Кэмероном Уэльсом, который потом покинул его. Каждую неделю в среду здесь публикуется новый трек, который заряжен мотивацией!
  • Наше Дело Наше Дело — профессиональная бойцовская лига, объединившая лучших спортсменов не только в России, но и по всему миру. Наше Дело лидирует по количеству зрителей, охвату аудитории в российском сегменте спортивно развлекательного контента. Трансляции турниров лиги можно посмотреть на крупнейших видеохостингах и популярных спортивных телеканалах России и Казахстана. Лига «Наше Дело» развивает спорт и популяризирует боевые искусства по всему миру. Такое внимание со стороны зрителей обусловлено синтезом спортивного и развлекательного контента. Наше Дело – больше, чем спорт!
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  • Игорь Хишкин Представитель австралийского певца Faydee. Official VK: https://vk.com/faydeemusic
  • Литература | Великие поэты Популяризируем русскую литературу и поэзию каждый день. Эта страница отражает творчество известных русских и мировых классиков. Мы стараемся предоставить вам всё самое полезное и интересное: литературу, цитаты, юмор, фотографии, обсуждения и многое другое. Завари чай и присоединяйся.
  • Rock is Ok! Основное наше направление - ознакомление с неизвестными группами и новинками в мире альтернативы. Мы так же предлагаем вспомнить всё лучшее прошлых лет. Рады приветствовать вас на нашей страничке! :) ex Musical Critic ⚠️В связи с войной России с Украиной группа частично "заморожена" от 2022 года. Публикации нерегулярны, происходят лишь по желанию и инициативе некоторых модераторов.
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  • Lil' Eddie Edwin "Lil' Eddie" Serrano's music, like his personality, has many layers. The singer / songwriter's ability to effortlessly move in and out of various genres is marked by his connection with audiences around the world. Born in Brooklyn to Puerto Rican parents, Lil' Eddie's life was shaped by the adversity faced after a fire burned down his family's home and left them homeless for two years. Lil' Eddie and his family were forced to sleep in their car and in various shelters before relocating to Spanish Harlem. It was during this time in his life that Lil' Eddie began writing songs to help him deal with what was going on around him. Although he credits his Nuyorican identity as being central to who he is, growing up in culturally diverse New York City allowed Lil' Eddie to be influenced by all types of music. Initially, Lil' Eddie used songwriting as a way to get into the studio to sing. "That was my way on the mic because nobody believed I could sing," he says. "I used to go to producers and tell them I knew how to write songs." At age 15, Lil' Eddie landed his first songwriting placement on the Carl Thomas single "She Is (Feat. LL Cool J)". After writing several more songs for Bad Boy artists, Lil' Eddie signed a record deal with Mario Winans' label Yellow City. During his senior year of high school, Lil' Eddie won a songwriting scholarship from BMG and performed at the ceremony in front of industry executives. Since then, Lil' Eddie has released three #1 albums in Japan, opened up for Superstar Neyo, and toured in Germany, Dubai and the UK. He is currently working on a fourth album that will be released internationally. Lil' Eddie has written songs for everyone from Kylie Minogue, Paula Abdul, Usher and Janet Jackson to Charlie Wilson, El DeBarge, Lalah Hathaway, K'Naan, Nelly Furtado, Pink, Keke Palmer, Iyaz, Jessie J, JoJo, and Cody Simpson . He is currently working with Rita Ora, Keke Palmer Charlie Wilson, Jordin Sparks, Chris Rene, K'Naan, Cody Simpson, Kat Deluna ,Christina Milian, FeFe Dobson, Matt Cardle, DJ Paul Harris from Dirty Vegas, Tino Coury, Kayla Brianna, Greyson Chance and many more. You can also find Lil' Eddie on this season X Factor on Fox as a Vocal Coach. Lil' Eddie describes his sound as "love music", and says that through all of his endeavors "my goal is to always make people feel." Lil' Eddie is currently signed to EMI/ Sony ATV Publishing and lives in Los Angeles
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  • Википедия Давайте получать знания бесплатно. Есть вопрос? https://w.wiki/7Sfe Википедия — свободная общедоступная мультиязычная универсальная интернет-энциклопедия, которую может дополнять и редактировать каждый. Здесь публикуются анонсы лучших статей Википедии на русском языке (а также некоторые Викиновости и избранные медиафайлы из Викисклада).
  • Dontae Peeps Dontae was born in Atlanta, GA the self-proclaimed “Grady Baby” has his own publishing company DP Music/SIGNED TO NEW LABEL ALGEBRA LLC, and has worked on projects such as Usher, Chris Brown, Cassie, Jahiem, Keke Wyatt, Raheem Devaughn, Baby "Birdman" Williams, J. Holiday, Ruben Studdard and Young Steph. His unique approach to harmony and melodies has made him one of the most in-demand up and coming songwriters. Dontae was also blessed to work with artists like Usher, One Chance, Chris Brown, Jahiem and many others. He then journeyed to LA and worked the Underdogs and the legendary Dr. Dre. His name was becoming a staple as a go-to songwriter and amazing background vocalist (Dontae background for artists like Keith Sweat amongst others) He was also routinely asked to reference other writers songs. Today, Dontae feels blessed to be doing what he feels he was born to do. "Music has been my life for as long as I can remember. There is no separation between me and my music."
  • Erick Right Erick Right is an American R&B/Pop singer/songwriter known for his collaborations with many artists such as Alexis y Fido, Wisin y Yandel, and DJ Nelson. He is influenced by many music genres as reflected in his body of work. Born Erick Rodriguez in Brooklyn, New York. Working on a debut EP album Erick says, "I have a lot in store for my upcoming projects and a lot of noteworthy collaborations", says the young well spoken artist, "I'm at the very beginning of it all and I have more to come." This young singer/songwriter has the potential of becoming a future superstar with a very promising career.
  • EDM Trap Music «EDM Trap Music» - сообщество, в котором вы найдете свежие новости, релизы и подборки направления EDM Trap. Мы активно освещаем другие направления EDM, хип-хоп и другой интересный оффтопный материал.
  • Jackie Boyz The sultry sounds of Rhythm & Blues infused with contemporary energy have birthed the new sound of PROGRESSIVE SOUL, best defined by the triple threat duo, Jackie Boyz. This Grammy-Award Winning tandem’s ability to write, sing, and perform has touched the hearts of many and has paved the way for their musical success. Jackie Boyz have proved that their talents ensure hits and are highly sought after knowing that they bring success and a sweet Savannah flair to every project they are involved with. Early in their careers, Carlos and Steven Battey (Jackie Boyz) embarked upon their music journey singing at the pier on River Street down in their hometown of Savannah Georgia. Their inspiration and love for music was instilled in them early on from their mother, Jackie Battey. Devastated by the death of their father in 2003, tragedy lurked right around the corner as their mother Jackie passed the following year. The name, "Jackie Boyz" soon was born to recognize and carry on the memory of their beloved mother. The loss of their parents influenced and motivated the two to leave Savannah, Georgia and pursue their music careers. As Songwriters, they continue to explode on the scene collaborating on: * Flo Rida "Sugar"- Billboard HOT 100: 5 * Madonna FT David Guetta “Revolver (Remix)”- Grammy Award for Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical. * Chris Brown "Graffiti" * Mann "Buzzin"- Billboard HEATSEEKERS SONGS: 1 * Justin Bieber “Down to Earth” * Sean Kingston featuring Justin Bieber "Eenie Meenie"- Billboard HOT 100: 15 * Cheryl Cole “Under the Sun” As Artists, Jackie Boyz have released two well-received albums in Japan. "Love & Beyond" and "Songs in My Blackberry" continue to sell thousands of digital downloads both domestically and internationally. You will find that the two brothers known as Jackie Boyz, bring the soul back into music, the heart back into artistry and the innovation back into business...
  • GABE Gabe Lustman, better known as GABE, born originally from New Orleans, LA, the birthplace of Jazz and a great mixture of music, but currently resides in Atlanta, GA. Humming and singing melodies before he could talk, a sure indication of the direction his life was headed for. Traveling around the world with his family gave GABE a great perspective to different cultures, rhythms and styles. The more he travel the more he learned. His late father was a career Navy man who loved the sounds of The Temptations, The Who and The Beatles, to name a few. GABE says, "Listening to the pioneers of Pop/ R&B/ Rock influences was captivating, uplifting and gave me a desire for expression." During his elementary years, GABE was so intrigued with music that he joined the school choir to pursue further vocal training. After performing in a 9th grade talent show, GABE decided to pursue a career in singing. He spent 6 hours a day in the bathroom with cassette tapes dubbed from his Dads CD’s and Radio listening to The Temptations, The Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, Michael Jackson, Prince, 98 degrees and Usher. During high school sporting events, GABE sang The National Anthem in front of student faculty and peers. In 2006 he had his first collaboration with Minneapolis Producer Ricky Oyaro and was introduced to studio recording. GABE has been tagged as a genius at work. While pursuing his career he met Minneapolis Pop Group LS3. While rehearsing with GABE singing lead to one of LS3 songs acapella on the rooftop set of MTV's Top Pop Group, Craig Ferguson overheard them singing and sent his Executive Producer "Cole" out to ask them if they would be the musical guest to the Craig Ferguson Late Late Show on CBS. From there this fantastic ride took him to collaborate with J.R. Rotem (Beluga Heights), Kay Gee (Divine Mill), Jai (Nextwun) at this point it was felt that GABE should be a solo artist, that’s when the persona of GABE really appeared. As a solo artist, GABE had gained a wide audience of listeners, spectators and attendees to attend his live shows and global appeal worldwide. This prolific artist has been on tour with Chris Brown, Trey Songz and Cherish. GABE songs have been aired on radio in Minneapolis, Atlanta and Michigan. GABE has appeared on internet radio stations here in America as well as France, London, Australia and many others stations. GABE has performed at Georgia State University, First Ave (Minneapolis), Café 290 (Atlanta) and released a mix tape with the help of production team JDP Productions, recorded “The Take Off,” (2010) selling 2000 copies independently in the first week and shortly after following up with "State Of Emergency" (2011) accumulating over 100,000 downloads in the first month of release. His most recent mix tape "The Memoirs" (2012) is currently circulating the web on varies Music Blogs & Youtube. GABE brands all of his songs by writing all of his own lyrics and melodies. Working with him is a musicians dream.
  • Jarell Perry
  • Terrell TK King Stellar nominated singer/songwriter Terrell King of Atlanta , GA is the son of a retired army sergeant and was exposed early on to the best music and passion from artists of all genres like Sam Cooke, The Winans, Stevie Wonder and Elton John. Terrell exudes that same passion touring the world ( Japan, China, UAE, Korea, Puerto Rico etc) singing his own brand of RnB music. His work can be heard with some of the best and brightest stars in the industry like TLC's T-Boz ,Q Parker of 112, and even Issac Carree who's album garnered a Stellar nomination in 2012. 2012 was a banner year, starting with the November release of Terrell's EP, “The Serenade” with his EMI producer Kyle Lovett and many others. In addition to Lovett , King has worked as a songwriter/vocal producer for Midi Mafia ( Brandy, Fantasia), Kendrick Dean ( Chris Brown, Monica), and many others.Despite rigorous solo and corporate touring ,Terrell is hard at work on his first full length album under the moniker "TRLL". He saids "TRLL is a slight departure from "urban gospel" music and really opens up the subject matter to different things that I was/am going through on a daily basis.Buts its still family reunion friendly. It's positive music to live and love to ." Terrell is ready to hit the road again to spread love through music.For more info check out the links below.
  • K Young K-Young is a veteran singer / songwriter out of Inglewood, California. Since his beginnings with R&B group 3rd Storee as a preteen, he's gone on to write for the likes of B2K, Cassie, Young Berg, Diddy, Ray J, Chris Brown, Brandy, Yolanda Adams, Ginuwine, Lloyd, The Game and many more. K Young is the next hot singer/songwriter for the 21st century.
  • NatStar NatStar is “music in the flesh.” An artist, producer, songwriter, and performer packaged into one man, Chris Stowe; who goes by his artist name “NatStar,” is a musical force to be reckoned with. Describing his sound as a mix of Hip Hop, R&B, Jazz, Soul and Gospel, he’s a triple threat as he sings, raps and produces for a diverse mix of genres. “What sets me apart from other artists would be my ability to actually excel in rapping, singing and producing. I consider myself to be equally talented in all three.” Bringing his life experiences, thoughts, emotions and feelings into every song he creates, he paints something new on his musical canvas every time. Making it personal yet still something fans can relate to. Having worked with the likes of Ski Beatz, Brandy, Camp Lo, Loon, Adina Howard, Nappy Roots, Blackstreet and produced for Freddie Gibbs, Sha Stimuli, Lil Wayne (on an unreleased track) and more, NatStar’s musical resume continues to grow. Expanding beyond the US, NatStar has gained fans overseas, in Asia, after a 6 month tour he embarked on some time ago, as well as in Poland due to a collaboration with Polish Pop singer Gosia Andrzejewicz…
  • Drew Ryan Scott (After Romeo) Drew Ryan Scott is an American singer, songwriter, Record producer|producer and vocal producer. He is also a member of American boyband Varsity Fanclub (Originally signed to Capitol Records and acts as the group’s main songwriter. Scott was born in Lafayette, Louisiana, is the son of an Elvis impersonator and is of 1/4th Japanese decent. Drew has stated that he started singing when he was about five years old after hearing Michael Jackson’s “Ben”. Scott says he would “sing for neighbors and friends” and progressively kept singing. Scott attended High School at performing arts high school, Las Vegas Academy where he was a member of the schools pop choir. While there Drew formed a music group with two friends, who went on to become winners of MTV’s reality show ”Say What? Karaoke”, a reality-TV show where ordinary people would sing well known songs in front of a crowd and would be judged on how they did by well known celebrities. Career One of Scott’s first steps towards a professional music career took place after he took part in a series of auditions held by production company Stonehall Entertainment and “survived a voting process much tougher than televised bootcamps American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance.”{ The production company sought “five triple threats” Vocalists, dancers and actors, “groomed to dazzle in the studio, onstage, and in every TV or film endeavor.” From 2006 through present day, Drew has been a member of Varsity Fanclub. Songwriting & Producing Scott made his first big step in his songwriting career after writing numerous songs for his band Varsity Fanclub and has stated he was soon was able to eventually write for others. Drew had had his first major song placement on Former Bad Boy recording artist Donnie Klang’s first studio album “Just a rolling stone” released late 2008 with a track titled “Pick it up” which he Co-wrote Since, Scott has written numerous songs for many popular music acts and has been described as “an extremely talented Top line writer”. Songwriting credits Scott has written for many popular Korean, American and European artists some of which include: SS501, SHINee,TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls Generation (SNSD), Taeyang, Brian Joo, Seo in Guk, Son Dam Bi, Arashi, Hannah Montana, Selena Gomez, Willow Smith, Jedward, Girlicious,Charice, Jonas Brothers, Blake Lewis, and Joey McIntyre among others. Scott has stated he receives songwriting inspiration from things that have not been sang about and likes to relate them to love or everyday life situations, self experience and friends.
  • J Rice J Rice grew up listening to artists like Take 6, Boyz II Men, Brian Mcknight, Wynton Marsalis, Kenny G and many other R&B/Jazz greats. He lived in a simple house where his parents taught him to work for everything he wanted. At about age 11 he was running a paper route to pay for his first trumpet. It was obvious early on that J was blessed with a gift as he would move up through the ranks of his jr high. Later in High School he started taking his singing seriously and built his own studio in his bedroom. Equipment was expensive so he had to improvise with dental floss stapled to the ceiling holding up the mic and a cool whip lid with a hole in it and nylons stretched across for the spit guard. He released two independent albums The Intro and So Close but felt he needed to be closer to where everything happens so he packed everything he could, and drove across the country to New York City from his home in Tacoma, Washington. When he arrived in NY, he immediately started meeting with any writers/producers he could, but none seemed to be the right fit. J recently teamed up with hit producers Phantom Boyz (Alexandra Burke “Bad Boys” Christina Aguilara “The Beautiful People”) and has since released his 3rd independent original album “Phantom Boyz Present: J Rice”. He has grown on youtube to over 160,000 subscribers and over 22,000,000 views. J is now working on producing and writing his own material for his 4th independent album along with writing and producing for other artists.
  • Jamillions Jamillions is a 23-year-old singer, songwriter, and producer who developed his unique style since the age of 16. Born and raised in the Bay Area, he has taken the music world by storm, with influences from many world renowned artists such as Marvin Gay, Al Green, Boyz II Men, and Donnell Jones. His style has been compared to iconic artists such as Usher, Chris Brown, and Neo. Throughout his career, Jamillions has featured and recorded songs with many well-known producers and artists throughout the Bay Area such as Balance, Too Short, Traxamillion, Tufluv, Mr. Read more about Jamillions on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License and may also be available under the GNU FDL.
  • LeMarvin
  • Daniel De Bourg Daniel de Bourg is an English pop singer, songwriter, former dancer and model. In 2007, he was a finalist on the fourth UK series of The X Factor.
  • Atozzio The power of the pen creates the greatest string of words and phrases for any writer to weave together. The melodic rhythms words generate have the ability to touch hearts, souls and minds alike. To write is a gift and Jacksonville, Florida native Atozzio has such a talent. As a youth, his mother told him that his unique name meant “great king.” When he later learned this wasn’t the case, he created his own meaning reflective of his passion and purpose. With his debut album on Warner Bros. Records, Atozzio looks to express through lyric and song what he has embraced his name to represent and himself to be, “a breath of fresh air. I am the savior of music.” Inspired by everyone from Donnie Hathaway and Marvin Gaye to Joe and R. Kelly, twenty-three year old Atozzio has been singing since the age of 5 and writing songs since he was 14 years old. Atozzio honed his writing and vocal skills throughout junior high and high school singing in groups and his city choir, Ritz Voices of Jacksonville. The choir director worked with legendary musicians including Luther Vandross, Roberta Flack and Peabo Bryson and trained the young wunderkinds in the genres of gospel, classical and contemporary music. Atozzio and the choir performed for everyone from Gerald Austin to Barry Manilow, even appearing in a regional McDonald’s commercial. Although Atozzio took his music seriously, he made a few choices that led to trouble, forcing him to leave home and move around as a teenager. Disenchanted with opportunities to fully express his creativity in his hometown, a meeting with Isaac Hayes gave him the encouragement he was looking for. “He told me to continue to believe in what you do and who you are and you’ll find yourself in a place you didn’t expect. That always stuck with me.” Atozzio left the choir during his senior year of high school and upon graduation enrolled in the Navy at the age of eighteen. A chance viewing of American Idol witnessing an enlisted officer granted permission to pursue his singing aspirations fueled Atozzio to seek support from his sergeants, who didn’t respond favorably. It wasn’t long before Atozzio literally went AWOL in hot pursuit of his dreams. His longtime producer friend Mad Scientist, had an opportunity for Atozzio to write for an Atlanta based group under super-producer Jazze Pha’s Sho’Nuff Records. The rest is fast becoming history in the making. By September 2006, Atozzio witnessed the birth of his first child and made a move to Hot-Lanta in full musical pursuit. Although the Sno’Nuff group was dropped, Atozzio’s song “Superstar” gained some local and virtual traction via myspace. Mad Scientist continued to extend his network to Atozzio while he researched and studied the industry game. “You have to use your street sense in this industry. It’s legal grimy.” By the summer of 2006, Atozzio met EMI Publishing executive Mike Jackson who took an interest in his writing style and soon after, another chance meeting with Warner Chappell publishing exec Chris Hicks led to his interest in Atozzio. A bidding war ensued for the young man with tremendous talent and ability, with EMI Publishing winning the battle in December 2006. Inspired by his new opportunity, Atozzio penned an inspirational track with spiritual undertones entitled “Kryptonite.” In the Bible, women were the weakness of King David and his son Solomon. “Kryptonite” was Atozzio’s reaction to “being a saved man of God and battling because women are my weakness.” Atozzio’s manager at the time was shopping an artist deal for the songwriter/singer/performer. Rodney Jerkins quickly scooped him for his own Darkchild imprint, but once “Kryptonite” was recorded by J Records artist Mario, the Darkchild deal went south. Atozzio quickly recovered penning songs for Chris Brown (“Mama”), Jesse McCartney (“Relapse”), New Kids on the Block (“Officially Over”), and Keke Palmer (“Friend Me Up”). Current New si
  • RIZ At the forefront of pop in 2012, RIZ continually reinvents the generic formula of mainstream music by fusing styles within the realm of hip hop, R&B and house music, creating a unique Afro-European brand of surgical precision. His creative melodies and infectious hooks have brought forth numerous national and international opportunities while stirring up the underground DJ circuit. Born and raised in Nigeria then the Netherlands, RIZ strives to achieve the pinnacle of success in everything he embarks on. Through the years, the industry has seen RIZ grow and flourish as a singer, songwriter, dancer, and entertainer. Drawing inspiration from the past to revolutionize the present, Riz looks to the greats – Bob Marley, Luther Vandross, Marvin Gaye & Michael Jackson – to bring sound and substance to your ears.
  • Luigi Masi Luigi Masi (born 29 May 1990) is a British singer who lives in London, but was born in São Paulo, Brazil. His first club single "Strobelight" (produced and written by Jim Beanz) was released on 20 October 2008 and was a top 10 UK club hit peaking at number 6 with lead remixes by The Wideboys. His second track "Armed With Love" was released on 25 May 2009 and again reached top 10 on the club chart at number 7. His debut album was, titled Save His Shoes, was released digitally a week later on 1 June 2009. "Radar" was released in February 2010 and was his third consecutive top 10, reaching number 7 on the UK club chart. In May 2010, Luigi announced that he was taking a break to go to university and continue his studies Luigi returned in November 2012 with the release of the 5 track "Pretty Body - EP" and lead single "Target" which debuted at number 17 on the club charts. Masi attended Hill House School for prep school and the City of London School from 2003-2008.
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  • Кто подписчик Игоря Хишкина (64)